6 Week Lifestyle Change (COMING 2024!)
Sustainable Weight loss individualized to you
Available spots
Service Description
Are you ready to make the investment? Here are a few things to consider: Can I prioritize myself? Am I able and willing to make small realistic changes to my current lifestyle? Am I willing to invest both time and money to improve my health and wellbeing? Can I commit to attending six 1-hour concurrent weekly sessions? If you can answer yes to each of these questions and you feel like Jen and Jason would be a good fit for you, reach out today! If the answer is no to any of these questions that’s okay. We understand everyone is different and timing does not always workout. On the plus side we will be here when things change. In the meantime, feel free sign up for our free monthly newsletter. Each month it will contain new recipes from Chef Jen, updates on new research that pertains to health and weight loss and other interesting and relevant tidbits. Thank you, Jen and Jason
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